We publish a comprehensive review on the basic biology of encapsulin systems in Annual Review of Biochemistry.
We publish a new collaborative paper in Science Advances
We publish a study on the fundamentals of ion flux through encapsulin pores in Science Advances: “Pore structure controls stability and molecular flux in engineered protein cages”. We are grateful to our excellent collaborators from Australia for their insights and hard work!
Jesse and Mike publish a new paper in Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Jesse and Mike publish a great work of protein engineering in Angewandte: “Triggered reversible disassembly of an engineered protein nanocage”. The largest known encapsulin - discovered by our lab - was engineered to reversibly disassemble under mild conditions. This system may prove useful for various bionanotechnological and drug delivery applications.
We welcome a new rotation student to the lab
Mike publishes new paper in Nature Communications
Mike publishes a new computational genome-mining study vastly expanding the field of encapsulin biology:
”Large-scale computational discovery and analysis of virus-derived microbial nanocompartments”. Congrats Mike!
We welcome two new rotation students to the lab!
We welcome a new graduate student to the lab!
We welcome a new graduate student to the lab!
We welcome two new rotation students to the lab!
First years Natalia Ubilla (PIBS Biochem) and Seokmu Kwon (ChemE) join the lab for rotations. Natalia will work on investigating the structure and function of unusual fusion encapsulins involved in iron storage and detoxification. Kwon will work on engineering the next generation of encapsulin-based multifunctional reporters. Welcome!
Jesse publishes new review in Biotechnology & Bioengineering
Jesse publishes a new comprehensive review on “Advances in Encapsulin Biology and Engineering”! Congrats Jesse!
New rotation student joins the lab!
Cassie wins prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
We welcome TWO new graduate students in the lab!
We are very excited for Robert Benisch (Program in Chemical Biology) and Cassie Dutcher (PIBS Biological Chemistry) to join our lab! Both will be exploring different aspects of encapsulin biology and engineering utilizing a wide variety of biochemistry, structural biology, microbiology and protein engineering approaches. Welcome Robert and Cassie!
New rotation student joins the lab!
New rotation student joins the lab!
Two new postdocs joined the Giessen Lab this week! Welcome Jesse Jones and Mike Andreas!
Ajitha Cristie-David joins the Giessen Lab as a postdoc! Welcome Ajitha!
Tobias invited to join the Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC)
Tobias accepts an invitation to join the Engineering Biology Research Consortium. EBRC strives to advance engineering biology to address national and global needs. It is one of the most prolific and influential organizations in the synthetic biology space.
Giessen Lab publishes paper in eLife
Our paper with the title “Large protein organelles form a new iron sequestration system with high storage capacity” was published in eLife today. This work was a collaboration with the labs of Maofu Liao and Pam Silver at Harvard Medical School. Thanks for the great collaboration!